
June 5, 2024

calcium nitrate

Fertilizer registration code: 222008 Calcium fertilizer in various powder and sugar forms based on nitrate and chelated with amino acid and folic acid.
June 5, 2024


Fertilizer registration code: 57190 EStival fertilizer is a combination of macro and micro fertilizer for vegetables and cucurbits, stress reliever in summer and summer, containing amino acid and folic acid.
June 5, 2024


Fertilizer registration code: 54899 Kanal Fertilizer complete food pack of 13 macro and micro elements to strengthen the roots of the tree and containing humic acid. It has all the elements required for gardens; Contains 13 food elements along with humic acid and amino acid. development and expansion of roots; Supplying the trees with nutrients through the roots. With the ability to use in all lands, including alkaline and calcareous soils and light soils.
June 5, 2024

with grain

Fertilizer registration code: 46086 Seed material that increases the vigor of seeds and provides pre-nutrients in seeds. Establishment of healthy and strong sprouts as a result of better plant performance. protection of seedlings against fungal diseases. Making sprouts resistant to environmental stress. Increase seed germination power. Increasing root volume, better and more appropriate establishment of the plant.
June 5, 2024

Economy (AkaNotiyaz)

Economy Fertilizer registration code: 98301(AkaNotiyaz) It contains 12 macro and micro elements used together in the entire period of plant growth.
June 5, 2024

Fruit set

Fertilizer registration code: 54532 Fruit set increases flowering and fruiting and contains potassium, protecting against spring frost, with amino acid folic acid.